Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Intro

My journey has been typical
Ups and downs, then downs and ups
but i'm holding on to my clean date
hell or high water - no matter what
i choose to use the tools of rhyme
to express the way i'm feeling
and thinking, when i'm thinking and not just acting and suffering consequences that leave me reeling
oft times my words are of such a type
that are controversial in nature
not that i'm offensive, or judgemental, or a negative being
it's just that intense feelings are poured out from my pen onto my paper
i don't expect everyone to agree with everything that i post upon this site
but i hope that someone, somewhere can relate to me, find relief in knowing they're not alone - and that a fellow addict has found the light.

Just for today i haven't found the necessity to put any drugs into my body for a few years and if a crzy addict like me can do it then anybody can.